Bold and powerful with a zest for life! Jubilee celebrates that and more. She is beauty and wine inspired with a radiance that glistens in energy...
Completed March 1st, Jubilee is my second figurative painting for 2012 and eleventh since my 50th birthday – not that 50 is a big deal, but I felt it worth celebrating. Some eat cake. I paint, well, with some celebratory wine, of course.
Jubilee features the beautiful Kimi as my muse. She modeled for me in 2007, and I wanted to create a powerful artwork inspired by her energy. This painting celebrates my 50 years of life and appreciation of true beauty (I’ll turn 51 when my next painting is completed).
Created in beautiful pearl metallic wine tints over a pearl white/gold hand-brushed base layered on a specially-prepared canvas surface. Metallic mediums mixed into my paints create a glistening effect with the changing light. This combination of colors and effects creates a new experience with each viewing. In this painting, she is portrayed as about 1-1/2 times life-size.
My eleven figurative paintings completed in my 50th year (most recent to older): Jubilee, Ascendnt, Valhalla, Avalon, Marquee, Beaujolais, Mirage, Encore, Blue Moon, Arrow, and Nexus.
Watch the creation of Jubilee in process, featuring the beautiful Kimi.
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Watch my videos of 21st-century art in the making
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A.D. is an artist who started drawing at a young age. Throughout his life, he has worked with different creative tools in traditional and digital art and design. His art and writings have been showcased in various publications such as Airbrush Action Magazine, Airbrush Magazine, American Art Collector, Art & Beyond, Dream To Launch, Easyriders, Las Vegas City Life, Las Vegas Weekly, L’Vegue, ModelsMania, Quick Throttle, and The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook.