by Dwayne Bell,
A.D. Cook is a good artist and a good guy.
And you can tell he's a good guy, even if you don't know him personally due not only to his amazing art but due to the very nature of art itself.

A.D. Cook drawing Mia at the BodyInMind studio, Toronto, Canada.
Perhaps the simplest way to explain what art really is is to look at how children make it. Kids don’t over analyze or worry if what they are creating has been done before. They simply take everything they are thinking about, everything they care about, mom, dad, their dog, the sun, a tree, and put them into a picture with themselves. Have you ever noticed that children always put themselves in their pictures? This is because they know the purpose of art even if grown-ups forget. The purpose of art is to create a universe in which everything works to one’s liking. It’s how art therapists can see so easily into the minds of children. And it’s such a simple process that even we laymen can use it to see what very grown-up artists like. For example, from his work, it’s clear that A.D. Cook does not like dark, morbid things and is not fascinated with the mundane or the perverted. Instead, he likes bright, happy, healthy subjects, beautiful women, healthy bodies, and all the trappings of worldly success and splendor, cars, sex, wealth, fine wine, etc. And recently we even see him putting himself into his images in the form of his most cherished ideas, represented in his unique digital style. And what ideas are those? Nirvana. Truth. Bliss.
From all of this, we can tell that A.D. Cook is a good guy. He is not interested in the sadness of life. He is only interested in values, in the things that make life worth living and living a joy. And the fact that he is a good artist AND a good guy means he puts only life-enriching values into his work. He adds the value of his character to the value of his art. And because of this, his work takes on the potential to be great.
Will A.D. Cook be one of the great artists of our time? If a man’s soul, if his ability to choose the positive over the negative in life is any indication, then yes, he will be. And if our opinion counts, well then he already is.
“If beauty is so shallow, then how come so many people spend so much time talking about it? Beauty is deep, that’s why.”
— Dwayne Bell

 A.D. Cook with model/muse Mia aka “Gabriella”
I encourage fans of beautiful art nude photography to visit Dwayne’s Body In Mind site to learn more about his vision of beauty: (photo art nudes ~ 18+ please)
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A.D. is an artist who started drawing at a young age. Throughout his life, he has worked with different creative tools in traditional and digital art and design. His art and writings have been showcased in various publications such as Airbrush Action Magazine, Airbrush Magazine, American Art Collector, Art & Beyond, Dream To Launch, Easyriders, Las Vegas City Life, Las Vegas Weekly, L’Vegue, ModelsMania, Quick Throttle, and The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook.