Nirvana Complete
Just wrapping up Nirvana. She’s signed and ready to hang. I’ll look forward to an unveiling soon. Meanwhile, watch my site for the video and Blog post. Cheers!
Just wrapping up Nirvana. She’s signed and ready to hang. I’ll look forward to an unveiling soon. Meanwhile, watch my site for the video and Blog post. Cheers!
Black Friday 2012 – enjoying a fantastic day in the studio. Hair is one of my favorite things to paint, and Nirvana is no exception. She has miles of hair painted one strand at a time. I still am quite a ways to go with her. So, back to the easel for me — after all, they don’t paint themselves.
Today, I had the pleasure of working on my newest painting, which I have affectionately named “Nirvana.” The painting is coming along beautifully, and I am thrilled to report that it is almost complete. I just have a few more details and some finishing touches to add to the hair.
Sometimes “at large” isn’t the best place to be. I get so much pleasure from my time at the easel that there are days I don’t even get out of the studio. I am enjoying a fantastic day working on my newest painting, Nirvana.
2012, 60″ x 36″ [152.40 cm x 91.44 cm], root beer colored acrylic pearls on specially-prepared pearlized canvas Completed on May 20th and signed during the solar eclipse, “Truth” is my fourth figurative painting for 2012, and features the beautiful Liz
https://youtu.be/cqJTgieDJO8 The “Premier” art video showcases my painting in process from beginning through the creation of the completed painting – featuring muse Jess Robinson. View “Premier” painting – 48″ x 36″ VIDEO ARCHIVE
Ascending from water and stone to a new world. Ascendant, my first figurative painting for 2012. Ascendant on canvas – 36″ x 60″ by A.D. Cook © 2012 As above, so below… Created in beautiful pearl metallic dark blues over
Marquee by A.D. Cook ~ 60″ x 48″, airbrushed acrylic on pearlized canvas After a month of easel time and thousands of small brush strokes in creating her fur coat, Marquee is complete. This painting has been on my ‘to-paint”
MIRAGE, my latest painting created with Pearlized acrylic on specially-prepared canvas features an all-new model. Mirage by A.D. Cook © 2011 – 60″ x 48″ Stephanie is my latest muse. She is “Mirage” ~ beautiful to look at and much
https://player.vimeo.com/video/764339680 The creation of Breeze, 30″ x 60″, candy urethanes on hand-ground metal. Featuring the beautiful muse, Ariel, also featured inAriel 11 | Arrow | Breeze | Breeze ~ BW | Tangier | Tangier ~ Miami | Tangier ~ Reds Private collection, Hilton Head Island, SC <
by Pamela Shanteau Foreward by Craig Fraser Whether you’re just starting or you’ve been painting like a pro for years, there’s something to be learned on every page of Custom Automotive & Motorcycle Airbrushing by Pamela Shanteau. This detailed, step-by-step
Creating Eclipse by A.D. Cook Canvas Wrap Article, November 2004 Welcome to CANVAS WRAP and my ongoing series of step-by-step instructional articles on the art of airbrushing as fine art. CANVAS WRAP will present a “no secrets” approach in these
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Site created and maintained by A.D. Cook