Posts & Updates

Observations and stories of art, love, and creative energy exchanges.

POST CONTRIBUTORS:  All  |  A.D. Cook  |  Bob Barnes  |  Frank Mallinder

Polo Horse & Rider
A.D. Cook

Polo America Expo 2011

October 1st marked the first time that professional polo has ever been played in Las Vegas as Polo America Expo 2011 launched with Polo Village, a great expo and exhibits.​

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MIRAGE painting and artist AD. Cook
A.D. Cook

Mirage – New Canvas Original…

MIRAGE, my latest painting created with Pearlized acrylic on specially-prepared canvas features an all-new model. Mirage by A.D. Cook © 2011 – 60″ x 48″ Stephanie is my latest muse. She is “Mirage” ~ beautiful to look at and much

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ENCORE artwork video by A.D. Cook
A.D. Cook

Encore Video Watch my art in process from my photoshoot with the beautiful Jess Robinson through the creation of the completed painting. View “Encore” painting – 72″ x 48″ VIDEO ARCHIVE

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A.D. Cook at DSM Summer of Luxury at Cadillac of Las Vegas
A.D. Cook

Cadillac Summer of Luxury Event

The evening’s events included the introduction of the top Cadillac models, a fashion show presented by ECCOCI, and an A.D. Cook Art Lounge. Guests enjoyed drinks, passed appetizers, VIP gift bags, and more… The “Summer of Luxury Sales Event” for

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A.D. Cook with ENCORE painting featuring Jess Robinson
A.D. Cook

Encore – New Painting on Canvas

Encore ~ Like my paintings on metal, she goes through shifts and changes in color and imagery under differing lighting. My latest large canvas original is ENCORE. Measuring 6 ft. tall x 4 ft. across, Encore is created in sheer

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Bullrun Las Vegas 2011

Lamborghini exotics and Las Vegas go together like pretty ladies and Champagne. And of course, Las Vegas has all that… and more, in spades. Maybe that’s why Las Vegas, NV was the official launch point for the 2011 Bullrun Live

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3160 Mansion Beauty Bash Art Show 2012
A.D. Cook

Beauty Bash 2011

Beauty Bash Mansion Party 2011! wine  |  art  |  celebration  |  body painted ladies June 22nd, 2011

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Nexus metal art by A.D. Cook Video
A.D. Cook

Nexus Video Watch Nexus in the process from beginning through the finished artwork. Featuring the beautiful Laura. View “Nexus” painting – 30″ x 60″

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