TWILIGHT painting by artist A.D. Cook


2004, 48” x 60”, acrylic on specially-prepared canvas

somewhere between sunset and dark

I love that time somewhere between sunset and dark. TWILIGHT reminds me of that. Maybe it’s her restful look into nowhere, as though she is somewhere else.

In many ways, Twilight planted the seeds for my pearl series. The similarities are still there: scale, a slightly textured surface, and painted with color-shifting pigments – in this case, from blue to violet as light changes throughout the day.

While I painted Twilight in 2004, she remains among my favorites, probably for her boldness and strength, calm in the midst of it all. Possibly too, because the painting is large – four feet x five feet – representing my muse about twice life-size.

Model: Lori Madison

original painting for sale

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