Search Results for: corvette – Page 3

Dream 103 by A.D. Cook
A.D. Cook

Realism Art vs Photorealism vs Hyperrealism

One of the big questions that often arises from collectors and museum docents is, “What is the difference between realism and hyperrealism art vs. photorealism art?” I love that question because it involves distinct differences, often blurred and blended.

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Automotive Art and Motorcycle Portraits by A.D. Cook
A.D. Cook

Updated Car & Motorcycle Artwork Gallery

I’ve just updated the Car & Motorcycle Artwork Gallery on this website and all its connecting artworks. The completion and addition of CREATION and EVOLUTION (my recent 4 ft. x 10 ft. Corvette diptych, aka MOMENTUM) brings my fuel-passioned works to an even dozen, a collection of four epic sports

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A.D. Cook at Corvette Museum for LUSTER Unveiling
A.D. Cook

LUSTER Social Promo Video

Myself, 14 other artists, 60+ paintings intermingled with these beautiful cars will be set up and on display through the end of the year. Come on down to the National Corvette Museum. The exhibit is now upon. It’s an awesome show, so come down and check it out.

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LUSTER Update for 2024 and 2025
A.D. Cook

LUSTER Update for 2024/2025

For 2024, the exhibit opens at the National Corvette Museum to the public on March 15 and will remain there through the end of the year. MOMENTUM, created special for exhibit features two epic paintings, CREATION and EVOLUTION, celebrating Corvette’s 70th anniversary as America’s Sports Car.

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MOMENTUM Creation and Evolution Video
A.D. Cook

The Creation and Evolution of MOMENTUM

Enjoy my new video “The Creation and Evolution of MOMENTUM” featuring my Corvette diptych paintings from concept through completion, created special for inclusion in the Luster Exhibition at the National Corvette Museum, 2024.

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Momentum paintings on wall with floor branded Momentum
A.D. Cook

Momentum Road Trip

My Corvette diptych was barely finished before shipping to the National Corvette Museum last week. I love the energy of MOMENTUM, my two new paintings celebrating Corvette’s legacy. So far, this project hasn’t stopped for a minute. And why should it? These are Corvettes. They are made to run and

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Momentum paintings on wall with floor branded Momentum
A.D. Cook

Your Momentum

MOMENTUM  |  2024, diptych, acrylic on canvas, 48″ x 120″ MOMENTUM Celebrating America’s Sports Car through two exclusive original artworks prominently displayed at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, through 2024. MOMENTUM features two epic paintings with CREATION and EVOLUTION designed to hang together but can also be

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