2023 Successes
I’ve often read, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Or, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” I imagine we’ve all heard those thoughts, memes, or variations at one time or another.
This past year, I had some particular goals, including one regarding my physical well-being and another for my art creation and writing, along with smaller goals within each of the larger goals.
Regarding my physical well-being, I committed to dropping a few pounds towards the end of the 2022 holiday season and returning to my lighter weight from about twenty years ago. I began by quickly searching online for the ideal weight for an adult man of my age and height. Once I found that number, I wrote it on my bathroom mirror with a Sharpie and circled it in red. From where I was, that number was about 35 pounds lighter (yikes!). Just seeing that was a shocker in itself. To drop that level of weight means reducing my overall body weight by 15%.
While initially shocked by the prospect of losing my excess weight, I was confident that if I committed, I could do it. But I knew it wasn’t going to happen by itself. It would take devotion and determination on my part. My transformation would require a diet change and a commitment to some modest exercise. To succeed, I adjusted my diet and started walking a few miles daily, with a goal of one hundred miles a month (or about 3.3 miles daily), and because I set a goal, I was better prepared to hit my target.
Creative Goals
I set a few additional goals this past year, primarily for my creative endeavors. My primary objective was to complete a metal art project that I had previously started but was paused during my studio hiatus. This year, I resolved to resume my work on ETERNAL and complete my metal masterpiece no matter the cost.
My second primary art goal is wrapped around my Corvette tribute project for inclusion in the LUSTER Exhibition at the National Corvette Museum. In the Spring, I was offered an opportunity to create original artwork for display through 2024. This is a tremendous honor, and as an avid Corvette enthusiast, I am excited to contribute to Corvette’s history, even in a small way.
To turn this dream into a goal, I had to set several smaller goals, including a photo shoot, canvas prep, composition, design of the forthcoming painting, and delivery to the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
"In the absence of commitment, goals remain aspirations."
— Unknown Tweet
Specific • Measurable • Achievable • Relevant • Time-Bound
Goals are essential for progress. Our goals are best achieved by identifying five key ingredients to accomplish our dreams.
- The goal needs to be as Specific as possible. Start with the end in mind. To achieve my initial weight goal, I wrote it on my bathroom mirror with a Sharpie to remind me of my goal every time I saw it and regularly weighed myself to keep on track. I also tape notes to my studio walls with my current art projects to keep me focused.
- A goal needs to be Measurable. There has to be a target goal, something to shoot for. Otherwise, you will never fully see your progress.
- Is the goal Achievable? Big goals are great, but they must be achievable. It’s better to set realistic goals than to disappoint and miss the mark.
- Dreams can be anything, but goals need to be Relevant. Every goal needs a “Why.” In my case I wanted to drop a few pounds. Walking one hundred miles a month is easier if you take it a day at a time (or about 3.3 miles a day) and assign a purpose to the goal.
- Goals must be Time-Bound. Remember, it’s only a goal if there is a deadline attached. A deadline makes a goal real.
By following the S.M.A.R.T. method above, goals become achievable. It is essential to stay on track and not get discouraged by setbacks because they will happen. Goals don’t happen overnight. Setting and hitting goals is a step-by-step process of self-development and discipline. Mostly, it’s essential to enjoy the process and keep on keeping on. Consistency is critical; with many things, slow and steady wins the race.
Having achieved my initial weight loss goal, I am ready for phase two to lower my BMI (Body Mass Index). Check your BMI at Calculator.net.
Post Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or fitness expert, nor do I play one on TV. The content above is strictly based on my personal experience. Please consult your doctor before beginning any weight loss or fitness program.
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A.D. is an artist who started drawing at a young age. Throughout his life, he has worked with different creative tools in traditional and digital art and design. His art and writings have been showcased in various publications such as Airbrush Action Magazine, Airbrush Magazine, American Art Collector, Art & Beyond, Dream To Launch, Easyriders, Las Vegas City Life, Las Vegas Weekly, L’Vegue, ModelsMania, Quick Throttle, and The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook.