Model Release

Model Waiver & Release
I, _____________________________________, for valuable consideration received, hereby grant to artist A.D. Cook, with respect to any photographs, paintings or other images or recordings (the “Images”) of me by Cook or his agents, the perpetual, worldwide right, for all purposes relating to Cook’s products and/or services, to:
Reproduce, display, distribute, copy, use and/or modify the Images, or portions thereof (in combination with or as a composite of other matter), in any media or embodiment, now know or to become known, including, but not limited to, photographs, paintings, and all electronic and/or computer-readable formats, and use my name in connection in addition to that.
I release Cook from any claim or cause of action (whether now known or unknown) for infringement of copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights, defamation, invasion of the right to privacy, publicity or personality, or any similar matter, or based upon relating to the use and exploitation of the Images.
I also understand that the Images on the Internet cannot be adequately protected from unauthorized use by third parties and agree to hold Cook harmless from such misuse. I waive all my rights to inspect and approve the finished Images or their use.
I warrant and represent that I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and free to enter into this agreement.
Please Note: All photos can be used in any way the artist A.D. Cook sees fit, as stated in the Model Release above. This is the case for any model signing any Model Release for any artist or photographer. Mine is no exception; however, I don’t have any reason to display your photos distastefully anywhere. That’s not the focus of my art. Therefore, your images displayed on A.D. Cook-related websites will be tastefully created with models represented respectfully.
It is important to note that not only your reputation is at stake, but also mine. Therefore, any misrepresentation of you, the model, will not be tolerated.
DISCLAIMER: Each model is an independent contractor and, as such, is not employed by the artist, photographer, agency, publication, or gallery. Each model is solely responsible for all taxes, insurance, and licenses that may be required. Payment and terms are subject to availability and may change without notice. Copyright to all images remains the property of A.D. Cook.