Launched on October 23rd, 1996, the ADCook.com Website Celebrates 25 Years Online
Post Date: OCTOBER 23, 2021
1996 was a notable year for technology:
- DVDs were launched in Japan
- Microsoft released Windows NT 4.0
- Internet Explorer 3 web browser was released
- Duke Nukem 3D Shareware released to the public
- On July 5th, Dolly the sheep became the first mammal to be successfully cloned
- Ask Jeeves was formed
- I launched the first version of the ADCook.com website
Since its inception and original design, the ADCook.com website has always been about art, design, and creativity.
When we first launched the site, it was primarily to promote our graphic design services. The Internet was new then, and we were among the early world wide web designers (it all sounds so ominous now).
Over the years, the website has taken on various evolutions, but it has always been about art. Today, ADCook.com features over 140 artworks, 40 pages, and nearly 350 articles & posts, and the site translates into a dozen languages with the click of a button.

Thank you for your continued visits and support.
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A.D. is an artist who started drawing at a young age. Throughout his life, he has worked with different creative tools in traditional and digital art and design. His art and writings have been showcased in various publications such as Airbrush Action Magazine, Airbrush Magazine, American Art Collector, Art & Beyond, Dream To Launch, Easyriders, Las Vegas City Life, Las Vegas Weekly, L’Vegue, ModelsMania, Quick Throttle, and The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook.