March beer events; Henderson Booze District St. Patrick’s Day Crawl, Brew’s Best Craft Beer Festival, Boulder City Beerfest, Great Vegas Festival of Beer, Craft Beer Paradise, Rebellion Pizza, Las Vegas...READ MORE >
“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.”
— Vincent Van Gogh
My Story ~
I am blessed to have discovered my passion for art early. As a young boy, there was hardly a moment when I wasn’t drawing something. Then, as I grew, I learned to paint with various mediums while honing my skills with pencils, brushes, and airbrushes to create epic murals and artworks.
For me, creating art is a life-long never-ending journey. I’m honored to share my art, dreams, and memories with you throughout the pages of this website.
Luster Exhibition ~
The birth of the modern car occurred in Germany over 150 years ago. The first internal combustion, a petroleum-fueled motorcycle, came out of Germany 25 years later. In the United States, the Henry Ford Company was established in 1901. A year later, it morphed into Cadillac Motor Company, which Ford left, along with his name’s rights. A new Ford Motor Company emerged in 1903 in Detroit with backing from a dozen investors, including the Dodge brothers. In the same year, 1903, Harley-Davidson was founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Its chief rival was the Indian Motorcycle Co. which had already emerged two years earlier, in 1901, from a bicycle manufacturer in Springfield, Massachusetts. Much has changed since those early automotive years, but perhaps nothing more so than styling in the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s, and America’s love affair with cars and motorcycles, which expressed itself artistically and culturally in so many ways.
Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, cars and motorcycles have been ubiquitous on the nation’s streets and highways and in film, top forty hits, and paintings. With the emergence of photo-realism in the 1960s, motor vehicles assumed a special place of distinction as subject matter in American art’s iconography.
— David J Wagner, museum curator
national museum tour 2018 through 2025
When I was just a kid, my family moved frequently, so I attended several different schools in various locations across America, including a few in the vibrant city of Phoenix,...READ MORE >
I’m excited to share that while the LUSTER Automotive Art Exhibit wrapped up and moved on to its next venue, my Corvette diptych paintings celebrating America’s Sports Car remain at...READ MORE >
Aces & Ales Evolve Brewing, Chris Jacobs Beer Zombie birthday, CraftHaus Brewery, Ahern Hotel, the Craft Beverage Passport Program, two Beer Events on Super Bowl Saturday, and more from Bob...READ MORE >
LUSTER arrived in culturally rich Lake Charles, Louisiana. LUSTER is an exhibit dedicated to the raw beauty of cars and motorcycles, captured in extraordinary detail. This art collection focuses on...READ MORE >
The newly opened Lexie’s Bistro set within the Ilumina Residential Resort Community is filling a void for upscale dining for the Inspirada, Anthem and Seven Hills neighborhoods in West Henderson.
Friday, January 10th, marked my seventh visit to the East Valley Cruisers Cruise-In in Mesa, AZ. These shows keep improving with more cars each week.