American Artist ~ Sheila VanDeBogart

Andalusian Mare by Sheila VanDeBogart

Andalusion Mare Р2021, 12 x 9 inches, Pan Pastel, Cont̩ pastel pencil and Prismacolor on pastel paper

Equistrian Artist

In celebration of American Artist Appreciation Month, I am excited to share with you a special tribute to a remarkable artist who holds a significant place in my heart: my beloved sister. From a young age, she has been deeply passionate about two things – horses and drawing. Her journey as an artist has been a beautiful tapestry woven with dedication, creativity, and love for her subjects. I have had the privilege of witnessing her artistic evolution over the years, as she brings to life the grace and majesty of horses on paper. Her art not only captures the external beauty of these magnificent creatures but also conveys the profound emotional connection she shares with them. Each stroke of her pencil is imbued with a sense of wonder and admiration for the equine world, reflecting both her talent and her deep-rooted bond with these animals. As I reflect on the countless hours she has spent honing her skills and pouring her soul into her creations, I am filled with pride and admiration for her artistry. Through her work, she not only celebrates the timeless allure of horses but also invites viewers to share in her passion and appreciation for these extraordinary beings. I am grateful to have a front-row seat to her artistic journey and look forward to seeing where her talent and love for horses take her next.

Black-On-Black by Sheila VanDeBogart

Black on Black – 2020, 12 x 12 inches, Prismacolor pencil on black Strathmore paper

“I was one of those girls born to love horses and started drawing them as soon as I could pick up a pencil. Some outgrow it, but I never did. We moved around a lot during my early childhood years and lived in some tiny spaces,  so we lost a lot of things, but we always had paper and pencils. Some of my fondest memories of those days are of sitting at the table drawing with my mother, who I inherited my horse love from, and my brothers.”
Pintabian by Artist Sheila VanDeBogart

Pintabian Р2020, 12 x 9 inches, Cont̩ pencil & Prismacolor pencil on pastelboard

Moving a lot meant being the new girl in class many times. New kids get noticed. Sheila was always drawing, not to draw attention to herself, but to keep herself focused and relaxed, a form of mental preservation. Drawing horses is one thing she will never lose. She still takes a sketch pad, or what she calls a “take along” project, with her when going to appointments or places where she will be waiting, anxious or nervous.
Buddies by Sheila VanDeBogart

Buddies – 2014, 9 x 13 inches, graphite pencil on paper

"Just doing what I love and loving what I do."

Plume by Sheila VanDeBogart

Plume, 2014, 16 x 12 inches, Conté pastel pencil, Faber Castell Polychromos and Prismacolor on pastelmat paper

“I work mostly on a medium scale. Due to limited space, my studio is a small bedroom, but I am grateful to have it. I enjoy working with pencils of all kinds, be it graphite, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, and PanPastels. Regardless of the size or medium I use, I put my soul into each and every piece. I hope that it shows here. After all, I’m just doing what I love and loving what I do.”
Sienna Hores Portrait by Sheila VanDeBogart

Sienna – 2023, 17 x 14 inches, Prismacolor pencil and Polychromos pencil on pastemat paper

An avid rider, Sheila recently lost her beloved horse of many years, a loyal companion who brought her joy and adventure. Despite the heartbreak of this loss, Sheila found solace in immortalizing her in a beautiful portrait that captured the special bond they shared.
When I lost her, I almost lost myself. She had been with me through the loss of Adam, Reno, and Jackie. I didn’t know how I was going to get through losing her without her, until this piece. This was a therapeutic journey back to finding me.
Equestrian Artist Sheila VanDeBogart

Sheila VanDeBogart

American Equestrian Artist

"Just doing what I love and loving what I do."


All art and images copyright © Sheila VanDeBogart. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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