National Corvette Museum Announces 2024 Exhibit And Event Schedule
The National Corvette Museum throttles into 2024 with an unmatched exhibit and event line-up for the Museum’s 30th Anniversary.

March 15 – LUSTER: Realism and Hyperrealism in Contemporary Automobile and Motorcycle Painting
Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, cars and motorcycles have not only been ubiquitous on the nation’s streets and highways, but also in film, top forty hits, and in painting. With the emergence of photo-realism in the 1960’s, motor vehicles assumed a special place of distinction as subject matter in the iconography of American art. LUSTER: Realism and Hyperrealism in Contemporary Automobile and Motorcycle Painting, is a traveling museum exhibition comprised of over 55 paintings by nearly 15 of today’s realists and hyperrealists who specialize in automobiles and motorcycles as their primary subject of choice.
— National Corvette Museum Tweet
Undergoing a major renovation to transform the space into an art gallery, Luster will take residency in the Museum’s limited engagement gallery through the end of 2024. Art will be juxtaposed against Corvettes, motorcycles and other automotive icons that served as the inspiration for the work, including a 1937 Cord 812 on loan from the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum in Auburn, IN.
In anticipation of Corvette’s 70th Anniversary and the National Corvette Museum’s 3oth Anniversary, I’ve been painting steadily on my Corvette diptych paintings, MOMENTUM, to be unveiled at the National Corvette Museum in two months as part of the LUSTER Exhibition through 2024. Be sure to follow the Corvette 70th Anniversary Art Timeline for updates.
Additional Featured Art by A.D. Cook
original paintings on canvas
More in '24
More exciting events are happening at the National Corvette Museum this year than I can list here.
- April // The Vintage Shop Opens on CorvetteStore.com
- April 25 – 27, 27th // Annual Michelin National Corvette Museum Bash
- May 1 -31 // Military Appreciation Month Including the Vets ‘n Vettes Event
- June // Ground to Sky: The Sinkhole Reimagined
- August 29 – 31 // 2024 National Corvette Caravan
- August 31 // 26th Annual Corvette Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
- October // An American Love Affair: Pop Culture and the Corvette
Whatever you are there for, visit the LUSTER Exhibition featuring five of my epic automotive and motorcycle artworks, along with dozens of other fantastic artworks, which runs through December 31st.
Featured image screenshot © 2024 National Corvette Museum. Used for editorial.
Luster Exhibition at Museum Of Arts And Sciences [MOAS] at Daytona Beach photo by A.D. Cook.
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A.D. is an artist who started drawing at a young age. Throughout his life, he has worked with different creative tools in traditional and digital art and design. His art and writings have been showcased in various publications such as Airbrush Action Magazine, Airbrush Magazine, American Art Collector, Art & Beyond, Dream To Launch, Easyriders, Las Vegas City Life, Las Vegas Weekly, L’Vegue, ModelsMania, Quick Throttle, and The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook.