Search Results for: bonzai

Bonzai Caruso with Gold Records & Grammy Awards
A.D. Cook

American Artist ~ Bonzai

Bonzai Caruso — This month of celebration recognizes artists from various disciplines, including painters, sculptors, photographers, musicians, writers, poets, and performers. American art has influenced artistic movements worldwide and challenged traditional modes of expression.

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American Artist Appreciation Month Précis for August 2024
A.D. Cook

American Artist Appreciation Month Précis

Earlier this month, I created a post celebrating American Artists Appreciation Month, promising to share a few of my artist friends, their backstories, and their beautiful creations. Soon after, I made a few calls and extended an invitation to some fantastic talent, hoping they would like to share their work

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A.D. Cook Pic by James Walkenshaw
A.D. Cook

A.D. Cook

A.D. Cook Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube As an avid artist, writer, designer, and web geek, A.D. enjoys sharing posts of his observations and stories of art, love, Las Vegas, and beyond. Additionally, A.D. writes about technology and its impact on the creative arts and imagination. Visit the @ADCook YouTube channel for art

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ETERNAL Music Video featuring music by Bonzai Caruso
A.D. Cook

An Eternal Time Out

My musically gifted friend, Bonzai Caruso, sent me a soothing rhythmic tune that I wanted to share with you. This relaxing music, he suggested, compliments my latest metal artwork, ETERNAL, so I felt it only fitting to create a short video with both sight and sound — an eyes-wide-open meditative

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The Making of Eternal - Video Splash
A.D. Cook

The Creation of ETERNAL

Two years after photographing my model/muse for my latest metal fine art nude, the artwork is now finished and ready for my collector’s home.

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Eternal mixed media metal artwork by A.D. Cook
A.D. Cook


34″ x 55″, mixed media metal original, 2023 An original life-size metal fine art nude artwork, ETERNAL is inspired by a beautiful muse and the Fibonacci Sequence (aka golden ratio). ETERNAL’s creation is an explorative journey that began from a great model session to a drawing that looked more like a treasure map and

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ETERNAL metal artwork in progress 031523
A.D. Cook

The Eternal Update

It’s been a while since I posted anything about my current artwork on the easel. ETERNAL, my lifesize metal fine art nude that I started over a year ago, has quite a story, and she’s not even finished.

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Filmstrip Video Archive at
A.D. Cook

Video Archive

Video Archive America’s Artist at Large MAN CAVE ARTWORKS MOTORCYCLE & AUTOMOTIVE ART 6 Videos The Creation and Evolution of MOMENTUM 8:27 A.D. Cook Interview at ACDAM by WPTA21 News 7:59 The Creation of Brickyard Bull 3:30 The Creation of America 4:26 Motorcycle & Automotive-Inspired Art 1:54 Bespoke Artworks 1:11

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