Frank’s Christmas Questions

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from A.D. Cook

Frank Mallinder's Top 19 Questions

Christmas is about faith and family. It is a time of connecting and believing. If you listen carefully, not only will you hear Santa, you will notice the questions we ask that secure our connection to our faith and our family. Hopefully, the questions here will bring back pleasant memories of Christmas past and remind you of the question you need to ask this year.

  • What do you want for Christmas?
  • What can I get Mom?
  • What happened to my shopping list?
  • Where are we having Christmas dinner?
  • Who will be at Christmas dinner?
  • What should we have for Christmas dinner?
  • Should I put Christmas lights outside?
  • How will we ever get all of these presents wrapped?
  • Should we do gift bags instead of wrapping?
  • Do you miss the Sears Christmas catalog as much as I do?
  • Is this the year we switch to an artificial tree – but a live one smells great?
  • Where will we go to church on Christmas Eve?
  • How many boxes do we need?
  • How can we get everyone seated at Christmas dinner?
  • Who wants mincemeat pie?
  • How many bottles of Cold Duck do we need?
  • What did you get for Christmas?
  • How is it possible that we have so many blessings in our lives?
  • Isn’t it great that God loves us so much?
Merry Christmas from A.D. Cook, 2023
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